Side-striped Jackal

Unlike his black-backed cousin, the lesser-known side-striped jackal prefers scrubveld and woodland areas. They are a rare sighting on safari in Kruger Park.

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Side Striped Jackals look very similar to black backed jackals at first glance. They are however a slightly duller color all over, with the border between their red brown fur and grey fur on their back a silver or grey color compared to the vivid black of the black backed jackal.

Side striped jackals occur in some parts of Southern Africa, starting in northern South Africa and ranging into Mozambique, parts of Botswana, Zimbabwe, and north Namibia bordering Angola. They are widespread but not an easy sight in the Kruger National Park and are the less common of the two jackal species in the park.

Side-striped jackal
Scientific Name
Canis adustus
6.5 to 14 kg
Shoulder Height
35 to 50 cm
Mating Season
June to November


When only considering the Kruger National Park, these animals are relatively rare and not particularly widespread, but they are both. Their range starts more north than that of the black-backed jackal. Their populations are greater in more northern Sub-Saharan African countries. Still, their population density remains low, recorded at a mere 0.7 individuals per square kilometer in Senegal and a high of 1 per square kilometer in Zimbabwe.


They are the only jackals found in the Miombo woodlands of Zambia and reside in parts along the edge of the rainforest. Montane woodlands, grasslands, and savanna areas, in addition to marshes, provide these animals with ideal habitats. They are omnivores and regularly feed on wild fruits and their known diet of small mammals and dwarf antelopes. Insects provide enough sustenance to feed on them consistently, most notably termites and grasshoppers.

Social Organization

Little is known about how members of this species organize themselves, mainly due to the need for proper studies. They are believed to closely resemble the other two main jackal species in this regard. They form permanent pairs which share a substantial-sized territory. Groups, almost always families, with an average of six members living on this territory. They accompany each other to the kills of other animals, where they scavenge, or to areas of denser vegetation to forage for different foods.

Finest Safari Areas in Africa for Encountering Side Striped Jackal

We recommend the following National Parks and Private Reserves for the best chances of spotting the side striped jackal on safari game drives and bush walks.

Social Behavior

They are vocal animals and most frequently make hooting or howling sounds deep into the night. They also use scent glands and urine to engage in olfactory communication with various strong smells, sometimes used to repel other predators. Distress calls come in the form of a croaking sound. A family of jackals may hunt small prey together and share the spoils. They also participate in the young's upbringing and the group's constant welfare.


Young are born in the rainy season in November through to January, unlike the black-backed jackal that usually gives birth at the start of the dry season. They also have a slightly longer gestation period. Litter sizes are around four pups. Their courtship and rituals before breeding are unknown, unlike black-backed jackals or golden jackals, but it most likely entails the same structure and activity as their fellow species.

Anti-Predator Behavior

Side-striped Jackals have similar dangers, strategies, and foes compared to black-backed jackals. Larger predators such as lions, leopards, hyenas, or wild dogs threaten them and their young. They are less carnivorous than other jackal species and usually avoid contact with predatory animals. Adults protect pups from birds of prey and other dangers.

The Big 5

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