The steenbok is an attractive species of dwarf antelope that is common across Southern Africa.
Need Advice?Steenbok are dwarf antelope. They are pale red-orange with a white abdomen and a few white patches on their legs, neck, and tail. They have huge ears and only the male of the species has horns.
These dwarf antelope can be found almost anywhere within Southern Africa, from the southern parts of the Cape to the mainland and plateau of South Africa. They inhabit Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Mozambique. They do not occur in the Namib Desert or far from a permanent water source.
They are common on both sides of the Miombo woodlands of Zambia, the geographical “no man’s land” between the two main areas they populate. Their populations steadily increase in many protected areas, such as the Kruger National Park, and are otherwise stable. An underestimated 600 000 territorial individuals are spread out across semidesert, woodland, and grassland areas within Sub-Saharan Africa. They are under no criteria threatened by endangerment and are slowly but surely growing in numbers, despite their already large numbers.
Steenbok occurs in many open habitats, such as woodland and savanna areas, that other small antelope avoid due to a lack of cover. They are residents in virtually any habitat that fulfills their requirements of a water source and sufficient vegetation, and as few predators as possible. They also inhabit areas with denser foliage and trees in Kenya or bushveld areas with scattered acacia trees and long grass like the north of South Africa. They are very adaptive and widely distributed in Sub-Saharan Africa.
They are solitary and territorial animals, living alone on their respective patches of land and fighting for more, or to protect that which they have. Steenboks mate for life; the pairs live together within their territory and will not breed with any other individuals of their species. Average territory sizes range from 0.04 square kilometers to roughly a square kilometer. Here they forage, find shelter, reproduce and raise their young.
We recommend the following National Parks and Private Reserves for the best chances of spotting the steenbok on safari game drives and bush walks.
Because of their territorial nature, they regularly leave excrement and urine on the borders of their territories. Both males and females do this ritualistically, defecating or urinating and then covering the spot with sand or gravel using their front legs as a cat would. It helps to prolong the period in which the dung or urine spot stays moist to preserve its scent. They do this regularly, forming a visible border between territories of different steenbok. When an individual enters or nears another’s territory, it is met by raising their postures and stamping.
Pre-mating rituals usually involve male steenboks licking the genitals of females, males lifting their front legs between the hind legs of females, and both genders rubbing or nibbling at the other’s faces. Steenboks usually start mating when they reach sexual maturity, 8.5 months for males and around seven months for females. Females will usually bare the pair’s single offspring after a gestation period of up to 177 days or 5.5 months. This mating process may occur any time of the year, whenever the female steenbok is in heat, although births generally peak at the beginning of the rainy season.
They are vulnerable to most predators, from caracals, servals, and other wild cats, to different jackal species, such as the black-backed and side-striped jackals in the Kruger National Park. The young are a favorite meal for predatory birds and some snakes. Flight is their primary defense mechanism. When a carnivore is spotted, it usually hides in bushes or conceals itself in tall grass, waiting for the moment to sprint. They can change direction suddenly and sharply, giving them an advantage against some predators.