The morning focuses on Soweto's bustling, historic township, escorted by a private guide. After that, guests travel to Gold Reef City for a tour of a gold mine and a visit to the adjacent Apartheid museum.
The day is spent visiting Soweto and Gold Reef City. Soweto played an essential role in the struggle against Apartheid. Time is devoted to revisiting Nelson Mandela's years in Soweto, after which a visit to the Hector Pieterson Memorial is made. This memorial commemorates one of the darkest days in South Africa's history. A stop is made at an authentic 'shebeen' for lunch before traveling to Gold Reef City.
Golf Reef City is located on a 10Ha site surrounding the old no. 14 shaft at the Crown Mines gold mine. It depicts Johannesburg in the late 19th and early 20th centuries gold mining heyday. The gold mining industry was and still is a fundamental factor in the history and economic development of South Africa. Gold Reef City offers visitors a glimpse into the gold mining industry. A highlight is a tour into the belly of a gold mine and an opportunity to view the melting and pouring process, which culminates in a gleaming bar of gold bullion. We end the day with a short visit to the Apartheid Museum, after which guests are dropped off.